The significance of sports and games is more than just the benefits gained by physical exercise. Sports go a long way in improving and promoting a higher self esteem in children. They also learn qualities of team spirit, leadership and tolerance and also develop their will power and determination. It is very important that sports activities are carried out in all schools as they complement academic learning. Our experience is that even at a social level, for young children, sports is one of the best ways to bring them together as well as bring all the sections of the society on the same platform.
However, today we observe that pure academics rightly so has become of immense importance but in many schools it is at the cost of sports and physical activities. Due to cloistered urban lifestyles, several schools do not even have playgrounds and many cities like Mumbai lack open spaces, parks and playgrounds where children can indulge in sports and physical activities. This leads to children getting engaged with passive past times like watching TV, playing computer games etc. which prevents them from learning vital social and other skills which can be gained by sports.
Some sports clubs, schools and organizations organize sports and activity camps for children during the summer vacations for a certain fee. However, there is a section of our society where parents are not able to afford the fees and are unable to do anything for their children. Khushi Educational and Social Trust conducts Sports Camps during the summer vacations free of cost for children. The main objectives are to build self confidence in children, to instil a sense of teamwork and build social skills by encouraging team games and to eradicate gender inequality.