Sharir Saksharta Prakalp, or Body Literacy Program is Khushi’s initiative against gender discrimination. Some of the main objectives of this program are to teach young children about their bodies in a proper way, instill a sense of respect in males for females and increasing the self-confidence of women. It is an initiative against gender based violence, wrongs against women and an effort to curb the increasing tendencies of wrong methods to know about sex. Many youngsters while coming of age commit mistakes that they have to regret later. Therefore there is a need for correct intervention at the appropriate time.
The inspiration for this program came to us during the course of the several school visits. We found several teachers confiding in us about the problems of young boys and girls, like boys not paying attention in class due to minds gone astray for wrong reasons, boys and girls having affairs at a very young age etc. In order to find a solution, we interacted with various organizations specializing in the topic. We realized that one of the main reasons was that no formal method was available within the educational systems to educate students about hormonal changes, many girls were not even aware of menstrual cycles due to the social stigma attached to it. We decided to take constructive steps and after learning and gaining insights from experts SHARIR SAKSHARTA PRAKALP was born.
The urgent need to educate young minds with age appropriate methods led to the establishment of Sharir Saksharta and ever since its inception in 2013, we have conducted a series of workshops for boys and girls in over 60 schools with over 5,000 students. The workshops for boys and girls areconducted separately and we have been able to engage the children in discussions and educate them. Many teachers congratulated us on the programs and we also hope that these workshops will be of help them as they step from teenage into adulthood.